
DotLinker Technologies is a global website development company, dedicated to providing quality solutions to clients all around the world. With years of experience and a commitment to client satisfaction, we strive to meet the highest standards in website design, application development, and customer service. Read on to learn more about our client reviews and see how DotLinker can help you with your next project.



Sebastian Söder

CEO at WirelessWorkforces AB

The product VIP Parking helps people at Sweden, Landvetter Airport as smooth and fast a parking experience as possible. Fill in the date of your parking and enter relevant information in the next step, you can then choose to add services such as recond, car wash, and charging of electric cars.

Mahesh Nandeeshaiah

Founder and CEO at Avathi Ventures

Looking for the best Weekend activities near you? Avathi curates the best outdoor experiences around India. Discover the best adventure activities Avathi Outdoors curates the best local outdoor experiences around you. Whether you like adventure, a silent walk in nature, or watching wildlife, they have the most authentic experiences for you.

Tony Amaral-Cinotto

Staff Product Manager at Mozilla